
The Audi team is cap­tained by Melissa Ganzi, the only woman player in high goal com­pe­ti­tion at Inter­na­tional Polo Club Palm Beach. Ganzi, who is from Welling­ton, has been play­ing for nine years and fields a truly inter­na­tional team com­prised of Juan Bollini from Argentina, Gon­za­l­ito Pieres also from Argentina and Cana­dian Bran­don Phillips. Pieres father is Hall of Famer Gon­zalo Pieres who led the White Birch team to inter­na­tional acclaim in the ‘80’s. Gon­za­l­ito, like his father, is already a 10-goaler in Argentina and has won not only the Argen­tine Open, but the Queens Cup in Eng­land in 2008.

Melissa Ganzi – A
Juan Bollini – 6
Gon­za­l­ito Pieres – 9
Bran­don Philips — 5

translate1 Audi